Posts Tagged ‘cute’


A friend asked…

November 5, 2007

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket
My friend wanted to know what kind of kawaii packaging etc there is for Japanese Candy.

Here are some examples: CLICK HERE!



Art rage (this is not a rant!) ;P

October 26, 2007

Japanese Pagoda 2007

No this is not the rage felt by a passionate artist upon finding their nearly finished work of art has been destroyed by a careless child, guest, pet etc etc…

Instead, this is the name of a shareware program you can use for free or buy called “Art Rage.” It’s actually very reminescent of Painter classic. I heard about this program again and went to their site and downloaded the shareware version. It’s very versatile and easy to use. I really like the feel that you are painting or using pastels or even air brushing. It’s a good little program to draw or doodle in. 😀

Lobster Luv






So these are some examples I did tonight in Artrage. If you want to see a larger view, check out my photobucket page.

That’s it for now.

Thanks for looking. 😀
