Archive for October 10th, 2007


Greeting Card Universe…

October 10, 2007

I was directed to this site from another place I commonly put art at online.

GCU is actually a pretty nice site where artists post art for greeting cards that are for sale from the site. Artists get a discount for buying their own cards should they wish to do so. Also the site gets alot of feedback from visitors to what sorts of cards they are looking for which helps artists know what audience to make their art for.

I’m not familiar with the commissions yet as I haven’t had many clicks, sold any cards or added too many designs. I haven’t even really pushed my shop other than putting a link in my mercado section of my site. I was just curious mostly how it worked but I think in general I like sites like Zazzle and Cafepress just for the wider ranger of products you can design for.

Overall it’s a good site with an active community on it’s forums. I need to get more into forums but I have never been much of a forum person. I prefer the activeness of IMs, chatting, or email.

Check it out if you want to get your art on cards and sell it.
