Posts Tagged ‘website’


New Webhost!

February 13, 2014

Learning how to use a new webhost after the last one went offline / broke up without a word to their clients. 😛

I’m with bluehost now and moved both my domains to point where my page is now so you can reach me through one of these domains: or the normal domain:

I should have my site up and working soon. I just got FTP to work correctly so it will make things easier. 🙂

In the meantime, you can visit my art sites for new and classic artworks by moi:

Thanks for visiting!



Updating the old website…

October 1, 2008

So Blue Girl Graphics is getting a slow but much needed update. If I can ever figure out PHP or CSS I will do that at some point but for now, I’m just sticking with plain old fashioned, vanilla flavored HTML started in Frontpage and updated to my liking in Notepad. I’ve only updated the first page so the rest of the site has remained the same for now.

It’s not a finished template in the least so let me know if you think I should change something. I just really want a new look for the site and keep it from being stale.
